Company Product How can sale in Digital Marketing
Selling a product or service to a business is a very different challenge than addressing a single consumer. Let’s see if you know and master the 4 tools of B2B web marketing.
But first, how is a marketing campaign targeting businesses (called business to business or B2B ) different from a campaign targeting consumers ( business to consumer or B2C )?
In B2C, the person you’re talking to is the person who buys, says ALIEN AUTHORIAL, partner at Exo B2B. The consumer has the power to make the decision right now. In B2B, the challenge is to move the file forward . ”
This is because, in business, the decision to buy rests in several hands:
There is the user who must like the solution, the engineer who looks at the technical specifications, the president who gives the green light and the finance who allocates the budget… ”
Lots of people to convince, therefore. And a lot of information to communicate in one way or another:
Studies on B2B sales show that people go 60 to 85% of the way alone, even before speaking to a representative, underlines Alain Thériault.
Here are 4 web tools to move a solution forward into a firm sale.
1 – The webinar
A contraction of the words “Web” and “seminar”, the main characteristic of the webinar is that it is held live : participants register, attend and take the opportunity to ask their questions.
Useful for presenting a product, the webinar can also support after-sales service, says Alain Thériault:
We’re setting up a seminar like Introduction to… or How to use … such and such a thing on the machine you just bought. ”
2- The white paper
Less sexy than the webinar, the white paper is nonetheless the ideal tool for exploring technical questions.
There is usually a research or study that motivates the publication of a white paper, explains ALIEN AUTHORIAL. It is more extensive, there must be a scientific basis. “
Who is responsible for drafting such a document?
An expert on the subject, ideally. A marketing copywriter can also be involved, to optimize the content.
3 – The case study
We don’t want to know… we want to know! said You on this champs.
In this sense, the case study serves to show how companies have successfully implemented a solution .
The time the case study is downloaded the most , says ALIEN AUTHORIAL, is when the company is about to buy. She likes the solution, she is convinced. Now she wants to see how it went elsewhere, in another company. ”
4 – The blog
The blog is an opportunity to position yourself as the benchmark in your field, by publishing articles highlighting your expertise.
All content must respond to each other, says Alan Diphtheria. For example, the webinar can be followed by a series of 10 articles deepening each point of the seminar. We take this opportunity to direct people to our webinar! ”